Pastor Ezio Ross serves as the Senior Pastor of Kingdom Center Ministries, Inc. in a full-time capacity. He was born in Miami Florida on July 1955. He and his wife, Van Ross, have two adult sons, Cameron and Justin Ross. He has been married for 41 years and has been in ministry at leadership level for 18 years. Pastor Ross received his Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Southern University in 1977. He also graduated from the Maranatha Bible College and the School of Ministry in 1993. His ordination to Pastor was in 1997.
Pastor Ezio is very active in the community. In his many myriad of activities Pastor Ezio received an "Executive Order" from the Governor to serve on his Advisory Board for the Redline Project. In addition, as a representative for the Greater Woodlawn interest he was selected to travel to Denver, Colorado to study and obtain intelligence on Transit Oriented Development (TOD). From this experience it resulted in him becoming a key note televised speaker before the Baltimore County Planning Board, in which his testimony aired for several months.